Join many thousands of followers of Jesus around the world in praying for global Church Planting and Disciple Making movements!
We are excited to continue our partnership with multiple ministries for focused prayer! Our weekly "Pray" page will now include daily Movement Principles with devotions/podcasts, Scripture, prayer for Israel/Jews, two Global Cities via 110Cities, Unreached People, and prayer for Movements amid Crisis. Thank you for continuing to pray alongside us and we welcome our brothers and sisters from around the world! We encourage you to connect with others online in prayer through the Global Family 24/7 Prayer Room.
Disciple Keys is available online, as a PDF download, e-book and hard/soft cover printed copy
Be equipped, with keys to be a disciple maker!
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In every CPM worldwide, prayer has been foundational to seeing a movement started and sustained. Ask God to raise up every disciple on teams and in movements to be people engaging with God through prayer daily.
Devotional for Sunday/Monday or Companion Podcast available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.
UNREACHED PEOPLE FOCUS: Sunday - Thai Monday - Malay, Pattani
Unreached Jewish Peoples: Savior of the World, Lord of the Harvest, thrust out more than enough laborers to share Good News among the remaining 137 unreached Jewish people groups of which 23 are Frontier people groups with fewer than 1 believer among each 1,000 population. Luke 19:9-10
GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (1):BANGKOK, Thailand - Pray for the spread of the Gospel and for multiplying house churches among the Thai, Thai-Chinese, Northern Thai, Pattani Malay, and Southern Thai people.
Hear and Come Near: As we call on Your Name in the middle of crisis, Jesus, hear and come near; may Your Presence and Power deliver and save. Lamentations 3:55-57
I commend Disciple Keys to you and trust that your faith will increase as you unlock a deeper understanding of the power of prayer in these times!
An essential tool, next to your Bible, for prayer that changes our world and communities for eternity.
Someone has said, ‘When we work, we work; when we pray, God works.’ Now work, O God, and glorify Yourself. Amen.
This prayer guide provides information about some of the highest priority people groups to pray for and good insight about how to pray for movements to begin among them. I highly recommend it.
This compelling 52 week prayer guide will show you biblical and strategic ways to pray for disciple making movements among the least reached people groups of the world.
What a beautiful guide! I love the fact that simple movement principles are highlighted each week for prayer. Without movements to Christ, no people group can be reached!
Our family prays for an unreached people group every morning. This guide will help you to intercede for the world’s unreached as a family.
What a simple, deep, powerful prayer guide!
It is exciting to see the converging streams of prayer and missions. Prayer is the first domino in reaching the unreached … prayer leads to vision, vision leads to passion and passion leads to action.
Informed prayer is one way each of us can be strategically involved with proclaiming the good news about Jesus and helping people become his committed followers.
I am absolutely sure that this spirit filled prayer guide will ignite the passion to reach the unreached in the nations of the world. History is going to change as you pray.
May the Holy Spirit lead you, as you pray through this book, into the greatest adventure of your life!
What a wonderful piece of work! This guide will further spur and enlarge our prayers in South East Asia. Thank you so much!
The content of this book is more than just a prayer guide. It unfolds the very heartbeat of God, longing for every precious soul to hear His story and be reconciled back to Himself.
We are living in unprecedented times, where we are seeing a powerful move of God in many nations (ethne). Thank you for the excellent work by the team to put this Prayer Guide together!
Disciple Keys is ideal for use at home, in church, school, college or within a prayer or mission organization. It has been written and published by 24:14 Coalition and Finishing the Task along with several other partner organizations.
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