"For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things."

Psalm 107:9

One thing you can completely count on each morning when you wake into a new day is God's faithfulness to you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is standing with you to strengthen you today in the calling He has placed on your life. He will satisfy you in the deepest places and give you hope for tomorrow. He will hold you so close that you will feel secure in every circumstance. Ask the Holy Spirit to overshadow you today and fill you with the deep love of God. Ask Him to give you the strength to continue the work He has prepared in advance for to you accomplish on this earth. No matter what comes, He is faithful.

Disciple's Prayer:

"Father, I need to understand what faith is and I need to understand how to stand firm in the faith You have given me. Teach me, Father, to walk in the path of faith that You've laid out before me. Show me the way You would have me walk. Open the doors before me that You would have me walk through and close the doors that You do not want me to pass through. Empower me to walk in faith and to persevere through trial by Your Spirit and grace. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen."

Unreached of the Day's Prayer:

"Father, today I lift up the Azerbaijani peoples of Kazakhstan to You. God, You know all the hearts of the men and women You have created, so today I ask that You enable the men and women of the Saek people group to be open to hearing Your words. Father, open their eyes to the light of Your gospel and to the freedom that comes from salvation through Your Son, Jesus. Meet all the needs of laborers among this group so they may be undistracted in their service to You. Help them trust You deeply and impart that confidence in You to the Azerbaijani who begin to follow Jesus as well. Endow them with strong faith and perseverance to withstand every trial. Establish Your Kingdom there today. Amen."

Pray for the 110 City of ALMATY, Kazakhstan today.

Listen to the companion Podcast now available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.

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