" the intent that now through the assembly the manifold wisdom of God might be made known to the principalities and the powers in the heavenly places."

Ephesians 3:10

Our lives are on display to all the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, as well as all the saints who have gone to heaven before us, the great cloud of witnesses. They are watching us run our race today and are glorifying God for His working in our lives. We are answers to prayer. We are the continuing movement of God on the earth. You were born into the kingdom of God for such a time as this and you were given all you need to do that work today. As we yield our wills to God and listen to Holy Spirit, we can be open to go when and where He directs us, no matter the cost. Jesus promises to be with us to the ends of the earth and to the end of the age. May the manifold wisdom of God shine forth through us so that every gap is filled, and movements to Jesus flourish in every people and place.

Disciple's Prayer:

"Father, here I am trusting You as God. Let me run my race with the endurance that comes from that faith and trust that I have in who You are today. Fill my life with Your peace as I press forward to run the race You've set me on. In whatever I find myself doing, let my mind be focused on You. I can run and not be weary and I can walk and not faint as I disciple the people You bring. May disciples truly follow You, Jesus, and become effective disciple-makers as they display in their lives the manifold wisdom of God."

Unreached of the Day's Prayer:

"Father, I thank You that You always hear my prayers. May the Kurd, Kurmanji peoples of Kyrgyzstan recognize the manifold wisdom of God through the lives of Your followers today. God, You are the only thing worth living for and the Kurmanji Kurds need You. Shine the brilliant light of Your love among these people. Raise up local believers to be lights in the darkness as Jesus shines through them. May every crisis be used as an opportunity to witness about Jesus with words and deeds of love. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done among these Kurd, Kurmanji in Kyrygzstan and beyond for Your glory. "

Pray for the 110 City of BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan.

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