"So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God."

Colossians 1:10

Take some time today to consider how you walk every day in your life. Today's verse tells us to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord Jesus Christ. This means that everything we do every day should be fully pleasing to and in obedience to Him. We should bear fruit in every good work and increase in the knowledge of God daily.

As you live your life to grow the kingdom of God through prayer and church planting movements, your daily personal life should be hidden in the presence of God in such a way that He flows out into everything that you do and say and are. Take some time today to discover the good works that God has purposed you for. Are you a father, a mother, a brother or sister? Who can you love more in your life? Who needs a text or phone call of encouragement? As you encounter people throughout the day, be Jesus to them.

Disciple's Prayer:

"Father, today I humble myself before you and ask you to forgive me for all the ways I live that do not reflect your love to myself or those around me. Help me walk in a way that pleases you. Amen!"

Prayer for the Unreached of the Day:

"Father, today I humbly ask for the Younuo to come to know You, Jesus, as the only way to Heaven. We ask that you would empower your children who have access to the Younuo to reach out to them and love as You have first loved them. We ask that You would be reflected by the Younuo. Your heart, Jesus, is that they would know you and be obedient to Your powerful name. You are worthy of all honor, glory, and power. Amen!"

Pray for the 110 City of WUHAN, China today.

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