"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,"

Ephesians 1:18

Have you ever considered what a rich blessing we have as disciples of Jesus to be able to share the good news with others who have not yet heard about Him? What a great honor it is to be able to lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ near and far. Ask God today to help you see the cracks around you that you can fill with your unique gifts. How can you serve others to show God's love to them? How can you pour out God's grace to those you've been sent to work among? How can you train up and send out new believers to go and make new disciples for Jesus today? Ask the Holy Spirit to richly dwell in your earthen temple and show forth His power to the world through you today.

Disciple's Prayer:

"Father, I love to be Yours. I love that I belong to You and that You claim me as Your own. Thank You for all You've done for me! Now Lord, help me to show who You are to others in my life as I go about all You've given me to do today. Enlighten the eyes of my heart and open them to gaps I can fill. You are worthy, Jesus! In Your name I pray! Amen!"

Unreached of the Day's Prayer:

"Father, turn Your face toward the Northern Pashtun peoples of Afghanistan today. Lord, they need You, Your light and Your love to fill their hearts. They need Your power to open their ears and hear Your call. They need the light of the gospel spread among them. Here I am, send me... in deeds or in prayers, Lord. Fill men and women with the burden of prayer for these people and also the burden to go. Multiply followers of Jesus who go and multiply other followers. Let these followers be willing to pay any price to overcome in Your Name, Jesus. Prepare them as they see Your Kingdom expanding and to steward well the multiplying families of believers for Your glory. Amen."

Pray for the 110 City of KABUL, Afghanistan today.

Listen to the companion Podcast now available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.

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