"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
2 Timothy 4:7
Today’s verse is Paul’s declaration toward the end of His life, that he has fought the good fight of faith, run the race, and kept his faith. Ask God today to fill you with that same sense of purpose in each of your days. No one knows if today is our last or not; without tomorrow promised, we can still day by day boldly serve the Lord by focusing our energy and efforts on seeing His will done in the earth through our surrender and obedience. Ask God to open your eyes to today and give you the strength to run this current leg of your race well and faithfully. Ask God to multiply all He has placed in you through others around you. Ask Him to give you the faith to anticipate rapid replication of your faith in Him in others so that you will not grow weary as the workload increases.
Disciple's Prayer for Today:
"Father, center me in the peace that comes from realizing that I live in You today. I am here today because you purposed me to be here today. Father, rapidly multiply the work You’ve given me to do in others today. Give me the grace to fight the good fight, to run my race well, and to faithfully keep the faith and pass that on to others. As my days are, so may my strength be in You.”
Prayer for the Unreached of the Day:
"Father, the Nigerian Fulani peoples of Nigeria have little or no witness of Your love. So I ask You to show your favor among them by sending out laborers among them to ignite movements that multiply and that grow Your kingdom among them. Give grace and mercy to these beautiful people and shine like a brilliant star among them. Raise up multiplying disciples who fight the good fight, finish the race well and keep their faith to the end regardless of what they may face. By faith, I believe You for supernatural growth of Your Kingdom that glorifies Jesus."
Listen to the companion Podcast now available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.