"Repay no one evil for evil. Respect what is honorable in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as it is up to you, be at peace with all men."
Romans 17:18
In order to follow today's verse's guidance, we must learn to be at peace with all men. To do that, we must first have peace with God ourselves. Strife among a community comes from strife with God in the individuals. Ask God to open the eyes of your heart and to see any areas in your life where you need His touch of peace and forgiveness. Ask God to show you how you can share the peace He gives you with others. Ask God to help you be more and more like Jesus in your everyday walk with Him. Be a disciple worth multiplying and obey God’s call to go as a “hot coal” into more needy areas and among people who do not yet know Jesus.
Disciple's Prayer for Today:
"Father, Your kindness knows no end. Your love stretches from one side of the sky to the other. Your mercy and grace toward me fill my heart with joy. I celebrate all that You are today and I bless You God. I bless my family and my friends in Your Name. And I bless those You have called me to reach in this world. in Jesus’ name, I cover them in the blood of Jesus now. Tune my ear to hear Your call to go out into new arenas as a “hot coal” to ignite new movements to Christ for Your glory. Amen!”
Prayer for the Unreached of the Day:
"Father, I stand in the gap for the Gandha Banik Bania peoples of India. You know each one of these people and You are the God Who Sees. So, I bless each one of them in the name of the Lord. I bless their families and friends. I bless their land and their work on the earth. I bless them with the blood of Jesus. I ask Father that You would give Your good and great gift of salvation to these people. Sow “hot coals” from other church planting movements among this group strategically. Multiply movements among them! In Jesus’ name, Amen!"
Learn more about 110 Cities and Adopt a 110 City in Prayer
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