"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

2 Corinthians 4:18

Building Jesus’ Kingdom deals with unseen eternal realities. Jesus’ Kingdom is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. We want to build with eternity in mind, not laying up treasures or acclaim for ourselves, but exalting Jesus Christ and co-laboring with Him to build His Beautiful Bride, the Church. Our primary assignment is to love God and to love others as Jesus Himself did. We join Jesus in building with living stones, lives linked in love to God and to one another. We become a habitation in which He dwells, which glorifies and honors Him alone.

Disciple's Prayer for Today:

"Father, open my eyes to see my family, friends, and those You've sent me to as living stones of Your Dwelling Place. Fill me with Your love for others so much that it overflows from them to others they know. Help us focus on the unseen eternal realities, not the temporary things as we labor with You. Be our One Thing, the total focus of our hearts and lives as we join hands with You and one another in Your work. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

Prayer for the Unreached of the Day:

"Father, send more than enough workers into the rich and abundantly ripe harvest field of the Tili today. Daddy, send Your light to shine brightly among these beautiful people. Give grace and strength to Your children facing persecution for their faith in You. Break down and destroy the works of the enemy and shine forth with Your power and loving works among them. Multiply living stones which become an expansive and lovely dwelling place for Your Spirit among them for Jesus’ glory."

Listen to the companion Podcast now available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.

Pray for the 110 City of ASANSOL, India: Pray for the advancement of God's Kingdom throughout the 41+ languages of this city.

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