"Whoever keeps his commandments abides in God, and God in him. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit whom he has given us."

1 John 3:24

The Holy Spirit is the great confirmation of our salvation and the connection between and the likeness of Him in us. Today's verse speaks of obedience being the key component to abiding in God and God abiding in us. Obedience and surrender to His will and His ways is what bring us close to Him and Him close to us. When we obey Him, we behold Him, and when we behold Him, we become more like Him. Today, humble yourself before the Lord and ask Him how you can better pay heed to and obey His commands to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring a greater revelation of how He operates and how He can better enable you to continue your daily work of making disciples of all the nations.

Disciple's Prayer for Today:

"Father, here I am, longing for more and more of You! I need You so desperately today to work in and through me. Fill me and overflow in my life. Holy Spirit, open my eyes to Your Kingdom work. I humble myself under Your mighty hand, asking You to help me hear and obey so that I might continually abide in You. May fruitfulness be the evidence of this abiding and obedience for Your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!”

Prayer for the Unreached of the Day:

"Father, the Tausug, Sulu peoples were created for Your glory but most do not yet know and follow You yet. Empower workers by your Holy Spirit who recognize this gap and offer themselves to hear and obey You among them. Pour out Your Spirit in power among this people group. I ask that Jesus movements begin among these people and go from them to all the nations of the earth. Thank You for giving us guidance and power to be Your witnesses through the Holy Spirit today. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen."

Listen to the companion Podcast now available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.

110 City for this Week is:  KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia

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