"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

1 Peter 2:9

This week, we are learning that each follower of Jesus Christ is called to be a disciple maker, a minister. In today's verse, we read that we are to show forth His praises. Like a showcase window displays the best products to invite others to come see, so we are meant to display His glory and beauty in our lives. We are to be the city full of light that is set on a hill. We are the salt of the earth that preserves it. We are God's blessing in our family, among our friends, and with those who we seek to serve. We are the hands and the feet of Jesus on the earth while we live. Every believer is chosen, holy, and set apart for good works, which is the work of the ministry. Whatever vocation we may have, whatever location we may be, we are meant to establish His Kingdom there.

Disciple's Prayer for Today:

"Father, disciple me in Your ways. Lead me down the narrow path that leads to right standing with You. Show me the way I should walk and show me the way I should live. Give me grace and mercy and peace all the days of my life and let me show those to others around me. Make me a fruitful disciple maker more and more. Let Your life in me draw others to Jesus so that flourishing fellowships result for Your glory. In Jesus Name, Amen!”

Prayer for the Unreached of the Day:

"Father, thank You for the Kenyan Gujarati peoples of Kenya. Bring them into Your kingdom today. Pour out Your blessings on them, especially the blessings of salvation and grace that Your Son provided on the cross for everyone. Send more than enough workers among these peoples with a special grace to endure any persecution they may face for sharing the good news. Let families of believers flourish that multiply other loving families of believers among the Kenyan Gujarati and other groups near and far for Your glory. Bless them so that they may be a blessing to many others in turn. In Jesus’ mighty name I ask, Amen."

Listen to the companion Podcast now available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.

Pray for the 110 City of MOMBASA, Kenya: Pray for the spread of the Gospel and for multiplying house churches among the Somali people.

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