"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28

The most amazing and wonderful part of serving Jesus is that we work not from a place of lack but from a place of abundance. Jesus completed the work, and so we go out and harvest from fields that we did not plant. There has never been any human that has saved another. Jesus saves; we simply share Him with the world. Today, think about how God’s generosity is being poured out through your life and into the world around you. Ask God to show you new ways to shine His light in the nations and among your own family. Ask for new revelations about family and friend and churches, His church. Give and give and never stop giving. Walk in His rest as you multiply new believers and new fellowships that follow and glorify Jesus.

Disciple's Prayer for Today:

"Father, here I am and I am so dependent on You for everything. As You give to me, let me give to others. Let me be a conduit of Your love and life today. Let me lift up those who are weak around me and let me give encouragement to others on this journey of faith, as You encourage me. In my weakness, as I lean on You, bring forth fruit for Your Kingdom in both followers and fellowships. Praise your eternal Name, Jesus!”

Prayer for the Unreached of the Day:

"Father, I come to You as Your child and ask that You would look on the Rohingya today. Turn Your heart toward them. Remember Your love for Your creations and send out men and women to share You with them. We all need you so desperately Lord, and these children of Yours are no different. So, I ask that Your favor would be seen among them. Let them be blessed in the name of the Lord by a growing number of disciples and gatherings of called out followers of Jesus. I ask for You to show them Your bright light. Jesus, may Your Kingdom come fully and Your will be done among the Rohingya as in Heaven. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen."

Listen to the companion Podcast now available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.

110 City Focus: MEDINA, Saudi Arabia - Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to sweep over the house churches, and for the church in Medina to become a house of prayer for all nations.

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