
Week 6

I am Praying
2 Praying

Understanding the Urgency of the Task

Pray that every disciple would understand the urgency of seeing every people and place reached with the gospel, and pursue the fulfillment of this Kingdom vision.


"As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.” — JOHN 9:4

Devotional for Sunday/Monday or Companion Podcast available on Anchor, Spotify, Apple, and Google.

UNREACHED PEOPLE FOCUS: Sunday - Hui Monday - Gujarati in Myanmar


Valuing Israel as God Does: Eternal Father, may the Body of Christ appreciate, love, and value the role the people of Israel have played as a vessel through which You brought the Word of God, and salvation through Jesus, Our Messiah and Savior. Romans 9:4-5

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (1): YANGON, Myanmar - Pray for the spread of the Gospel and for multiplying house churches among the Burmese, Burmese Shan, and Rakhine people.


Lead to Salvation: Mighty God, use these difficult circumstances to birth godly sorrow leading to repentance and salvation for thousands who do not yet know or follow You. 2 Corinthians 7:10

Portuguese - Spanish - Urdu - Farsi - German - Bahasa


Devotion: If Only I May Finish

Podcast: Week 6 Day 2

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (1): YANGON, Myanmar - Pray for the advancement of God's Kingdom throughout the 25 languages of this city.

Unreached People Group: Punjabi in Myanmar

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Devotion: Will Find So Doing

Podcast: Week 6 Day 3

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): P’YONGYANG, North Korea - Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to be birthed in P'yongyang that multiplies throughout the country.

Unreached People Group: Rakhine


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Devotion: Rise and Be

Podcast: Week 6 Day 4

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): P’YONGYANG, North Korea - Pray for followers of Jesus to walk in the power of the Spirit.

Unreached People Group: Malay in Myanmar (Burma)



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Devotion: Like a Thief in the Night

Podcast: Week 6 Day 5

GLOBAL CITY FOCUS (2): P’YONGYANG, North Korea - Pray for followers of Jesus to with endurance through the persecution the race which the Lord has set before them. Ask for the Father to give them courage and boldness to share their faith.

Unreached People Group: Friday - Korean SaturdayDeaf in North Korea

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